Set Up Parental Controls

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How to set parental controls on Windows 10?

Child safety in today’s world no longer applied to simple rules like “don’t talk to strangers”. Rather, psychological and digital…

4 years ago

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How to disable parental control on iPhone?

Parental controls is one of the great tools built into Apple ecosystem. It lets parents manage and control what their…

4 years ago

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Can you see what websites are visited on your Wifi?

Checking someone’s internet history sounds like a potentially daunting task. With technology evolving in a crazily fast pace, now it’s…

4 years ago

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How to block websites for studying?

Websites, apps and online service surround us and take our full attention. You are constantly moving back and forth between…

4 years ago

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How do I create a Gmail account for my child?

Creating an Gmail account for a child is something that many parents contemplate. Email accounts may seem relatively innocuous, but small…

4 years ago

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How to block apps on my child’s phone?

The young generations use all sorts of smart devices equipped with the latest apps. It’s easier for them to explore…

4 years ago

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How to set up parental controls on Samsung tablet?

Samsung tablets bring comfort into our life and can be used by kids for learning, accessing social media apps, games,…

4 years ago

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How to control internet usage through a router?

Are you aware of what type of content your kids are viewing online? Is the internet absolutely safe for kids…

4 years ago

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Block restricted calls on Android Phone?

Getting continuous calls from unknown number can be a headache for any mobile phone user. You probably couldn’t call back…

4 years ago

How to set up parental controls on Google?

Today’s generation tend to search the internet rigorously because adolescene is the age of curiosity. However, the internet is not…

4 years ago

How do you put parental controls on an iPhone?

We’re living in the golden age of technology, but not all of them are suitable for young minds. With easy…

4 years ago

How to set up Facebook parental control?

As the most popular social media platform, Facebook enables you to create profiles and build network of friends and interests.…

4 years ago