Block Porn

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  • updated on 12 30, 2020 | Blog
    How do I put parental control on Safari?
    The internet is a treasure house that contains various information you need. Unfortunately, it is also ridden with explicit or inappropriate content. This worries parents because young minds are vulnerable to these online threats. It becomes necessary to put parental control on Safari and add an additional layer of protection for your child. If y……
  • updated on 12 17, 2020 | Blog
    How to block porn on iPhone 10?
    Have you ever been in a situation where you are searching for something else, a pop-up on the screen advertises sexually implicit content? What if this happens to your child? Is it possible to block adult sites? If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry, feasible ways are available to block porn on iPhone 10 and offer kids a safe online……
  • updated on 12 07, 2020 | Blog
    How to block porn site on Android?
    Most of us are surprised to find that approximate 35% of content downloaded by users is pornographic and some people seek out porn daily. In some cases, it is forced upon you in the form of advertisements. It comes as no surprise that porn can lead to inappropriate behaviors. It can disorients children their sexual beliefs and moral values. Altho……
  • updated on 12 03, 2020 | Blog
    How to put a parental block on tablet?
    Smart devices like tablet can provide your child with hours of entertainment and learning. It also presents a variety of challenges for parents as these digital babysitters can put your child at risk and parents need to enforce the rules. Thankfully, advanced tools come with features for you to put a parental block on tablet and reduce the risk o……
  • updated on 11 30, 2020 | Blog
    How to block inappropriate websites on iPad?
    Does your kid spend too much time on the smart device? Are you observing a change in your kid’s behavior lately? Is it possible to control the type of content kids can access? If you are running into similar situation and want to know how to block inappropriate websites on iPad, you are at the right place. In the following guide, we’re going to s……
  • updated on 09 28, 2020 | Blog
    How to block porn on iPhone?
    It’s not surprising that children can be exposed to porn content by accident when they’re browsing the internet. Pornography generates issues about sexuality, gender and equality, which can alert the mentality and perception of kids. There is a dire need for parents to block porn and other inappropriate content on iPhone. Scroll down and find out……
  • updated on 09 08, 2020 | Blog
    How to block porn on Android device?
    As the internet is easily accessed by kids, it increase their opportunity to browser all sorts of content including porn. Porn exposure can be seen in the form of a spam advertisement when we are surfing on the phone or the computer. This worries parents because excessive porn exposure can pose lots of emotional and physical problems. Parents be……