
How to track my son’s Android phone?

updated on 11 20, 2020 | Blog

chamspy app

Do you suspect that your son could be lying to you about the place he visit? Are you worried that your child could be meeting with the wrong sort of people? Is it possible to track your sons Android phone? If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry, you’re not alone. A considerable number of parents want to know child’s whereabouts and ensure their safety at all times. In the following guide, we’ll show you how to track child’s Android phone.

track your son’s Android phone

Why track your son’s cell phone?

Tracking your son’s cell phone can keep you updated with his whereabouts and help you take immediate action in case of any mishap. After all, the increasing cases of missing children and kidnappings around the world are a source of concern of every parent. Moreover, some kids are active in adventurous activities. Sometimes they can get stuck somewhere or go to an unfamiliar part of the city. It’s advisable to track your child’s cell phone and ensure his safety and security.

How to track your child’s Android phone?

Technology has rescued us in case of tracking child’s Android phone. Advanced tools are created and developed to track phone location and locate child’s whereabouts. Let’s take a closer look at these options.

Find my device

If you are not ready to install a new app, you can opt for Find my device. The new Android cell phones come with the app already activated. Once you download and install the app, sign in with the phone’s Google credentials. Every time you want to track the phone location, simply open the app and you can see the location on an interactive map.

Find my device

You are also given the options to play a sound at a loud volume to draw attention and lock the cell phone so that it can’t be used. Other than that, you can reset screen lock or erase all of your phone’s data so no one can access it.

Cell phone tracker app

Alternatively, you can make use of a cell phone tracker to keep track of your son’s Android phone. The market features varieties of options and you can choose one that matters to you. However, most of them are nothing but a scam and you will end up revealing your personal information or wasting your times. That’s where Chamspy comes in.

Chamspy is a feature-rich and reliable cell phone tracker designed for parents to track child’s location and phone usage. You’ll be able to track GPS location in real time and view location history. The location history gives you details of each place your son has visited, latitude, longitude, and the exact date and time. Thus, you can have a better understanding of your son’s activities. You’ll know where exactly he has been and ensure he did not go to place he shouldn’t.

Cell phone tracker

Along with location service, it allows you to set virtual boundaries for target device. If your son enters or leaves a designated area, you will receive a notification. You can create geofence around home, workplace or school. You can get peace of mind that your son stayed in a safe neighboring area.

This cell phone tracking app is widely used by parents to keep a track of child’s phone activity to keep them safe or by companies that want to monitor their employee’s activities during office hours. It also empowers to you to track call logs, SMS, videos, photos, social media app, browser history, calendar activities, keyword and more. It operates discreetly in the background, monitoring activities without drawing attention.

All you need to do is register your account with email and install the Chamspy app on target device following the instructions. When the process is completed, log in to your account and track the child’s cell phone.


In this blog, we’ve introduced two feasible ways to help you track your sons Android phone. Both of them can easily locate child’s whereabouts and ensure his/her safety. If you want to keep track of child’s phone activities in a hidden mode, cell phone tracker like Chamspy is your best choice.




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