Viber Spy

Remotely track your child’s Viber activity with Chamspy

Read all Viber messages
View call details

Get access to group conversations

  • Sign up

    Sign up

    Use your email to register your account.

  • Install APP


    Install ChamSpy according to our operating instructions.

  • monitoring phone

    Start monitoring

    Check GPS, phone, SMS,and social network messages through ChamSpy.

Why monitor Viber?

Viber is one of the most popular message app that allows users to exchange messages, images, video records and make calls. Like other instant messaging apps, Viber also attracts bullies and online predators. Thus, it’s necessary to get control over your child’s Viber activities. Furthermore, employer may want to know whether employee is chatting with the rivals or sharing sensitive information.

In the above cases, it’s quite necessary to spy on their Viber activities to know about the truth or prevent potential danger. The best proven way is to use a Viber tracker to achieve the goal.

Viber Tracker

What does Chamspy provide you?

Once it’s installed, you have opportunity to monitor all received and sent messages. Even if the message is deleted, you still can get access to it. Moreover, you can easily track the date, time and duration of every call on Viber.

Besides that, you can gain access to group conversations to prevent unwanted communication. As you can see, Chamspy spy software for Viber allows you to receive all necessary information you need to know about your child’s or employee’s activity.