Contacts Spy

Monitor the target device’s address book to see who your child is contacting

Check the name and details of the address book
View the phone number of the address book

Check out the deleted contacts if ChamSpy need to backup the data

Contacts Spy

Monitor the target device’s address book to see who your child is contacting

Check the name and details of the address book
View the phone number of the address book

Check out the deleted contacts if ChamSpy need to backup the data

  • Sign up

    Sign up

    Use your email to register your account.

  • Install APP


    Install ChamSpy according to our operating instructions.

  • monitoring phone

    Start monitoring

    Check GPS, phone, SMS,and social network messages through ChamSpy.

How to Work

After installation, the application will backup address book data from the target device. It will immediately upload the data to your user account for your monitoring. After uploading, you can view even if the data has been removed from the target phone.

Contacts spy

Why monitor the address book?

As a parent, you will be able to monitor your child’s address book data and view the contact details stored in the address book, which will help you understand who the child is contacting and determine whether these contacts will be harmful to your child, which will be an effective means of protecting the child.

As an employer, you will be able to monitor the employee’s address book data, which will help you check who the employee is contacting, this feature is very suitable for employees who often need to contact external customers to understand their work situation and help you develop programs to improve employee efficiency.