
How to monitor kid’s WhatsApp messages on Android?

updated on 09 15, 2020 | Blog

chamspy app

It seems that everyone uses WhatsApp as this social media giant continues to grow in user number. While there are many positives out there, it also impose many potential threats to us, especially to kids. Parents may worry about that their kids are falling into cyber-crime trap while using this app. For this reason, it’s essential to monitor kid’s WhatsApp messages and know what they are up to. If you are on the lookout for WhatsApp monitoring, you can follow this guide and learn feasible way.

Is WhatsApp safe?


There is a definite answer to this question. WhatsApp is safe and secure to use as it has end-to-end encryption on messages. It means that any messages, photos or videos that are sent are encrypted, in an effort to make the communication more secure. It does give users a sense of security and privacy. However, it’s still possible that this app can be susceptible to hacks, scams or other breaches.


Why you should monitor WhatsApp?


As we mentioned before, there are still chances that WhatsApp is prone to hacks, scams or other breaches. It can pose potential dangers to your kids. For one, your kids may be using the app for sending inappropriate pictures, messages or videos. The receivers may misuse the content for cyberbullying, sexting or similar purposes.


Moreover, group chat feature provides a way to spread rumors or photos of another person to many others quickly. People don’t think much or care to verify a message before forwarding it to others.


Even worse, anyone can create an account but there is no filter for adult content. Kids are likely to expose to these inappropriate content in the absence of parental control. Thus, there is a need to monitor kids’ WhatsApp message and keep them safe online.


How to monitor kid’s WhatsApp messages?


If you think about how to keep your kid safe online, the easiest way is to tell your kids to stop using it. However, it’s impossible and unwise to do that as WhatsApp offers many positive benefits. Also, kids may say that parents are overacting and overprotective when worrying about how they’re using WhatsApp. Thankfully, there is a better way to ensure your kids’ safety without stopping them from using WhatsApp. You can use a parental control app for monitoring kid’s WhatsApp activities.


Chamspy is a comprehensive parental control app that empowers parents to monitor kid’s WhatsApp messages remotely. It works with all smartphones and tablets running Android 4.x up to 10.x. All you have to do is register your Chamspy account with email and install app on target Android phone following the instructions. Once done, log in to your control panel and monitor WhatsApp messages. Just one-time access to target phone, you can get necessary information.


With Chamspy, you can read all sent and received messages. Even if a message is deleted, you can get access to it. It also gives you details like time, name, type, and access to photos, video and pictures. Thus, you can know what your kids are doing on WhatsApp, including who they are chatting with, what they are sending or receiving, WhatsApp status and more.

Other than it, Chamspy can identify potential dangers by tracking keywords. If inappropriate keywords are used on your kid’s phone, you will receive an alert and take measures in time. You can easily know whether your kids are searching for information on sex, porn, drug, violence.


The best part about Chamspy is its stealth mode. It runs in the background without triggering any notification. You won’t interfere with your kid’s phone activities. In short, you can remotely and discreetly track your kids’ WhatsApp activities to ensure they are using the instant messaging app for all the right purposes.


What else can Chamspy offer?


If your kids are glued to phone screen and have sleepless nights, you can block WhatsApp before bedtime and allow it again after breakfast to ensure that your child has a great sleep and prevent addition. Additionally, this application keeps track of every stroke on target device. You can know what your kids have typed on the phone, access shared messages and search phrases.

Alternative solution


Alternatively, you can take other precautions to keep your kids safe online. Together with your kid, review the WhatsApp profile setting and select a picture your kid likes and you approve of. Then go to Account & Privacy. Here, you can set your kid’s privacy settings to “My contacts”. The options here are “Everyone”, “My contacts” and “Nobody”. moreover, you can create a family WhatsApp group. Kids can share pictures, videos and communicate with family members. It’s a great way to practice the skills required before venturing out into the online social media world.


Wrapping up


When it comes to monitor WhatsApp messages, there is no better choice than parental control app like Chamspy. It allows to you to remotely and discreetly monitor kid’s WhatsApp activities and protect them from online threats. You can sign up for a free trial of the app, and see how it can work for you.




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