
How to check someone’s call history?

updated on 12 18, 2020 | Blog

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Call history can store a lot of valuable information including the caller name, call time and call duration. It sounds pretty handy if you want to keep connected with someone. However, malicious people may use it to bullying someone or leak sensitive information. To avoid the occurrence of such situation, you need to check someones call history and reveal all the secrets. Let’s explore how to do it.

The necessity to check call history

No matter how much we trust our kids, partner or employee, we all get some doubts about them. Chances are that kids can talk with wrong sort of people and get into unwanted trouble. It’s also possible that kids are constantly receiving strange phone calls that cause harassment to your kids. Responsible parents need to check call history and prevent unwanted communication.

The same goes for you to track partner’s call history. You can know who your partner is talking with and if he is cheating on you. If you’re a business owner, you may suspect that some employee share confidential information with competitors. By checking call history, you can ensure your employee is still loyal to you and protect company interest.

check call history

How to check someone’s call history using third-party app?

We all feel the urge to straightaway take their phones and see what they are up to. However, we may face the risk of getting caught. One of the best proven ways is to use spy apps. They lets you check call history and monitor every action taken on the target phone.

There are so many misleading applications being marketed on the internet that a layman can easily get cheated. You may end up wasting time and effort. It’s advisable to choose an application that promises data security, ease of use and stealth mode. That’s where Chamspy comes in.

Chamspy is a comprehensive and reliable spy app that allows you to keep an eye on target phone activities remotely and discreetly. The target user will never know its operation as this app works in the stealth mode. Let’s take a closer look at Chamspy features:

  • Check call history – It allows you to view all incoming and outgoing calls, you can easily know who your loved one is talking with and look at a list of the most popular contacts.
  • Get call details – You can check call duration, timestamps, name and number of calls made.
  • View contacts – You’ll be able to check the name, phone number and details of the address book.
  • Block calls – This app lets you set your limit rules in the control panel. If you detect any suspicious calls, you can simply block them.

Check call history with chamspy

Chamspy’s abilities are not restricted to just spying on call history. Other than that, you can track GPS location, videos, photos, text, browser history, social media app, keylogger and much more. It gives you access to every bit of data on target device and help identify signs of digital dangers like cyberbullying, phishing, predators and more.

To avail the benefits of Chamspy, you need to register your account with email and install the app on target device. Once done, log in to your dashboard and check call history. It will highly encrypt user’s data and protect them from being leaked. You can take advantage of this app without any worries.

How to check someone’s call history using network provider?

There is another trustworthy solution out there. If you wonder how to check someone’s call history online, you can resort to network providers. They offer inquiry services to check call history but the user must have the username and password to log in their sites. Take the AT&T as an example.

Step 1. Log in the target AT&T account by visiting of any browser

Step 2. You will see My Plans, click Phone and then Voice features

Step 3. Select the Call Log option. Scroll down to see incoming and outgoing calls for the month

This method is quite easy to use. However, the network provider probably won’t honor requests from a typical citizen asking to get call details for a particular number.


We have come to the conclusion of our blog about how to check someones call history. You can try the above mentioned methods to see with whom the target person contacts and how frequently. However, spy app like Chamspy can be a better option as it offers you valuable information and help avoid potential dangers.




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